New Year Brings New Changes

Whether we are celebrating a New Year or the Chinese New Year, changes are always good.  Having had the same website for a number of years I’ve decided this year it is time for a change. 
After introducing Fashion Feng Shui as a new service last year, I felt it was time to make changes so Debbie’s Colours with Style is more aligned with who I am and what I wish to achieve.  Fashion Feng Shui is new to Australia and new to Perth, with Debbie’s Colours with Style the only company offering it.
With a new logo design already penned, a new website is only a few weeks away.  Stay tuned for a new website look in the next couple of weeks and other media additions, blogs etc.
I’m looking forward to the new revamp.  How about you.  Would you like to renew your look, make changes, don’t like your colours, can’t find things to wear, then contact Debbie at Debbie’s Colours with Style and we can discuss what you really want and what image consultancy service would best suit you.  Whether that is Fashion Feng Shui or a Colour Consult or Style Consult or Wardrobe Makeover, or a combination, or maybe get some friends together and find out what Fashion Feng Shui is all about.   I’m here to help you.
Hope to talk to you soon.
Debbie  xx